Weekly DCU 793 호 | HEADLINE

ESC 개소, Do you need extra English help?

on 2015년 04월 20일



외국어교육원은 413A3(성필리포네리홀, 학생서비스센터) 2203호에서 외국어교육원장을 비롯한 원어민 교수와 학생들이 참석한 가운데 ESC(English Support Center) 개소식을 가졌다.


우리대학은 재학생들이 부담 없이 영어 공부를 할 수 있는 영어 전용 교육공간인 ESC(English Support Center)가 문을 열면서 학생들의 영어실력 향상에 도움을 줄 것으로 기대하고 있다.


ESC에는 8명의 담당 원어민 교수가 상주하며, 이곳을 방문하는 재학생들을 위해 요일별로 영어회화 수업을 비롯한 다양하고 체계적인 교육 프로그램을 실시하고 있다.



2015학년도 1학기 이용기간은 619()까지이며 매주 월요일부터 목요일까지, 오전 10시부터 오후 5시까지 우리대학 재학생이면 누구나 이용 가능하다. , 공휴일은 휴관이며, 12:00 ~ 13:00 사이는 점심시간이다.







10:00 ~ 12:00

TED Talk Discussions

Academic Writing

Speak Like a Native!

Creative Writing

13:00 ~ 15:00

Entertainment English

Interview Skills

At the Airport/Travel

In a Restaurant

15:00 ~ 17:00

Fun with Phrasal Verbs, Idioms, Jokes and Slang

Culture Sharing

Music & English

Resume Writing


[시간별 프로그램 소개]


10:00~12:00 David Simpson [Canada]

<TED Talk Discussions>

I will be using my iPad to screen the talks. Also, I have designed a workbook that the students can use to write and discuss points about the talks.


13:00~15:00 Robert Proudlove [Canada]

<Entertainment English>

Every week we will discuss entertainment topics. Films, TV shows,

music & musicians and any other area of media which is interesting.

The weekly topic will depend on what the students wish to talk about on that day.


15:00~17:00 Jeffrey Wilson [U.S.A.]

<Fun with Phrasal Verbs, Idioms, Jokes and Slang>

To give students a deeper grasp of the English language by looking at phrasal verbs, idioms, jokes and slang..We will also work on saying them perfectly.



10:00~12:00 Matthew Cankar [U.S.A.]

<Academic Writing>

This class will prepare you for writing in your education and your professional life. It will focus on explaining your ideas and convincing your readers.


13:00~15:00 Adam Alldred [Canada]

<Interview Skills>

Students can practice interviewing, as well as learn some basic do's and don'ts during interviews.


15:00~17:00 Christopher Johnson [U.K.]

<Culture Sharing>

A look into how people do things differently across cultures, from social interaction to food, shopping, family life, religion, and business. What customs are distinctly Korean, and which of these could be considered unusual in the west? What country's customs would you consider unusual?



10:00~12:00 Christopher Johnson [U.K.]

<Speak Like a Native!>

Listening and speaking activities drawn from film, news and entertainment, focusing on natural pronunciation, various English and American dialects, and comprehension of quickly spoken English.


13:00~15:00 Christopher Cote [U.S.A.]

<At the Airport/Travel>

Here we will practice vocabulary and expressions used while in transit at the airport or in other transit travel situations. This practice will help students feel confident putting this to use in practical situations.


15:00~17:00 Eric Paschal [U.S.A.]

<Music and English>

This class will help students growandpracticetheirEnglish in a more engaging way by using music and songs. Since these songs are all from western countries, each lesson will also have a cultural aspect to them.



10:00~12:00 Matthew Cankar [U.S.A.]

<Creative Writing>

This class will prepare you to use your creativity in English. It will also help you build your English vocabulary and teach you how to tell stories.


13:00~15:00 Christopher Cote [U.S.A.]

<In a Restaurant>

Here we will discuss the differences (cultural and actual) between Korea and American restaurants. Also we will learn the key expressions and vocabulary used in English when ordering at a fast food, casual, and fine dining restaurant. Dialogues will also be practiced to reiterate real life western restaurant situations.


15:00~17:00 Adam Alldred [Canada]

<Resume Writing>

Students will learn how to create and format a resume that will look professional to potential employers.